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The motivation of our heart is essential to God, even though we rarely realize that.
I visited Israel more than five times now, and I feel very blessed to say that. I had the honor to visit the Holy Land from south to north and from east to west, quite a few times. It is a beautiful country. If one knows something about the Jewish people, he or she knows they are very inquisitive people. They ask a lot of questions. I was asked many times by the Israelis while traveling in Jerusalem and to other places, what nationality I am, how old I am, if I am married, how much I earn and even about my weight! I am not joking!
And I do not mind being asked any question, not even the odd ones. Furthermore, I did find this behavior quite funny, many times. But the question I was asked, by far, most of the times is: why Israel? Why did you choose Israel? I love this question. I always answer Why not? Israel is beautiful. Moreover, Israel is where Jesus lived and where the roots of my faith come from. Israel is where I feel in the Bible—if that makes sense for you. It seems like people are interested in the motives too!
I believe it is always about the motives of the heart. No matter what we do or where we go. Probably, we do not pay enough attention to this DETAIL. I want to share with you four reasons why I want to write a blog, and in my next post I will share with you about how I did start putting things together and step out of my comfort zone and start writing.
Motivation #1: I want to help people.
Yes, I believe I can add value to people like you. Maybe you think I am arrogant. However, I think we can help each other and add value to each other. Very often it is not hard to help someone, and there are lots of ways to do that. I like to help people by praying for them, encourage them, give them a word that brings peace and value to their beings. Moreover, I believe the Lord did invest lots of things in me, and I want to share what I did learn and be a vessel of healing and life for the people around me.
Motivation #2: I want to declare the truth.
Truth is a Person. The Truth is Jesus. He is not the best truth and not even one of the truths, but the Truth. The only possible truth, and the only one that exists. Maybe right now you decided to leave this page. That is your choice. The truth was never popular. Therefore I do not expect to become popular either. I want to be a man of integrity. Furthermore, I want to shine a light in the blogging world and on the Internet. So help me God!
Motivation #3: I want to love people.
In John 13:34-35 Jesus is saying
Love is the mark of a true disciple of Jesus. I believe blogging is just another way I can use to love the people all over the world by sharing with them the love of the Father, through Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Motivation #4: For God’s glory!
1 Corinthians 10:31
Therefore, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (TLV).
We are to do everything for the glory of God. And I believe whatever you do is about blogging too, so I plan to write for His glory, not for mine.
The most important reason for everything we do is for the glory of God. Therefore, my prayer is that Jesus will receive all the glory. He will not share His glory with anyone. Not even with you or with me! These are my motives.
I could give you many other reasons for why blogging, but I will stop here. However, if you will ever ask me: Oni, why did you start blogging? Probably I will give you my quick answer: Why not? There are lots of dirty and sinful websites out there promoting evil and lawlessness…why not bringing the gospel on the Internet too?
Now what?
Therefore, pray with me for new opportunities for all of us to share the gospel with other people, for new ways to love the people around us, add value to them, declare the truth and help our fellows. All for His glory! And…why not?
This post is my first one. I’ll be back—as Schwarzenegger would say.
Remember, the motivation of our heart matters. Please make sure you subscribe to my blog!
Make sure you read– Start with why by Simon Sinek
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I am a blogger, writer, pastor, Director of Zion Romania Bible School, husband to Olguta, a father and, most importantly, a child of God. I also completed my studies at the King’s University where I earned a B.A. in Theology with a concentration in Messianic Jewish Studies. I love Israel and I love the ‘Jewishness’ of the Bible.
Precious Olguta and Oni,
We continue to pray for your needs and for the upcoming trip to India.
Shabbat Shalom ! May you enjoy a Sabbath peace and rest !