This post may contain affiliate links. If you decide to make a purchase through these links, I earn a small commission at no cost to you. I do not promote anything I do not believe in or stand behind.
The God of Israel and Christian Theology (affiliate link) by Kendall Soulen

Jerusalem crucified, Jerusalem risen: The resurrected Messiah, the Jewish People, and the Land of Promise (affiliate link) by Mark S. Kinzer

The Divine Name(s) and the Holy Trinity (affiliate link) by Kendall Soulen

Israel Matters: Why Christians must think differently about the People and the Land by (affiliate link) Gerald R. McDermott

Paul within Judaism: Restoring the first-century context to the Apostle (affiliate link) by Mark D. Nanos and Magnus Zetterholm

Reading Romans after supersessionism: The continuation of Jewish covenantal identity (affiliate link) by J. Brian Tucker

A Jew to the Jews: Jewish contours of Pauline flexibility in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 (affiliate link) by David J. Rudolph

Introduction to Messianic Judaism (affiliate link) by David Rudolph and Joel Willitts

Antisemitism: A history (affiliate link) by Albert S. Lindemann and Richard S. Levy

Preaching in Hitler’s shadow (affiliate link) by Dean G. Stroud

Your people shall be my people (affiliate link) by Don Finto

Christ on the Jewish road (affiliate link) by Richard Wurmbrand

Joseph Rabinowitz and the Messianic Movement (affiliate link) by Kai Kjaer-Hansen

Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus (affiliate link) by Michael L. Brown

Jewish Roots (affiliate link) by Daniel Juster

Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus (affiliate link) by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg

Sinai and Zion (affiliate link) by Jon D. Levenson

The Sabbath (affiliate link) by Abraham Joshua Heschel

Sinai to Zion: The Untold Story of the Triumphant Return of Jesus (affiliate link) by Joel Richardson

Synoptic Gospels set free (affiliate link) by Daniel J. Harrington

Jesus: A very short introduction (affiliate link) by Richard Bauckham

Son of Hamas (affiliate link) by Mosab Hassan Yousef

In the Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influences on Early Christianity (affiliate link) by Oskar Skarsaune

Jesus and the God of Israel (affiliate link) by Richard Bauckham

How the Bible came to be (affiliate link) by John W. Miller

Jewish believers in Jesus: The early centuries (affiliate link) by Oskar Skarsaune

Jesus and the forces of death (affiliate link) by Matthew Thiessen

A Short History of the Jewish People: From Legendary Times to Modern Statehood (affiliate link) by Raymond Scheindlin

Back To The Sources: Reading the Classic Jewish Texts (affiliate link) by Barry Holtz

The Cambridge Companion to the Talmud and Rabbinic Literature (Cambridge Companions to Religion) by Charlotte Elisheva and Martin S. Jaffee (affiliate link)

To Pray as a Jew: A Guide to the Prayer Book and the Synagogue Service (affiliate link) by Hayim Donin

To be a Jew (affiliate link) by Hayim Donin

Living Judaism: The Complete Guide to Jewish Belief, Tradition, and Practice (affiliate link) by Wayne Dosick

The Koren Sacks Siddur: A Hebrew/English Prayer Book (affiliate link) by Jonathan Sacks

How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household (affiliate link) by Blu Greenberg

God’s Appointed Times (affiliate link) by Barney Kasdan

God’s Appointed Customs (affiliate link) by Barney Kasdan

Tree of Life (affiliate link)

The Complete Jewish Bible (affiliate link)

Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV Old Testament: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) and English Standard Version (ESV) (English and Hebrew Edition) (affiliate link)

Learn Biblical Hebrew pack 2.0 by Pratico & Van Pelt (affiliate link)

You shall be holy (affiliate link) by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

To heal a fractured world (affiliate link) by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Everyday holiness (affiliate link) by Alan Morinis

The Jewish Annotated New Testament (affiliate link)

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