The sovereignty of God can be seen all over the Bible. In this post, I want to focus on the book of Revelation. Indeed, the sovereignty of God is one of the main theological themes of the Scriptures and Revelation. [Genesis and Revelation are my favorite books in the Bible] The book of Revelation I […]
Prepare yourself for the time ahead of us
Prepare yourself for the times ahead of us. People prepare themselves in different ways. I believe the most important thing is to draw closer to God and His Word. However, let us not neglect the practical and physical things we need to do. You have a part to do so take responsibility and with the help […]
God is calling you
God is calling you to Himself. How will you answer? What will you do about it? I sensed God’s calling As I said before on my blog I am blessed to be born into a family of believers. I remember as I grew up my parents teaching me about Jesus and His love for the […]
Pornography is a sin
Pornography is a sin. How do I know pornography is a sin? Not everybody believes pornography is a sin I remember doing prayer ministry with a young man several years ago and listening about his battle with pornography. He seemed desperate for answers and for a way out of his mess. I asked him if he ever […]
Halloween- a Christian response
How should believers respond to Halloween? I know people opinions are divided over this topic. However, I will try to shine a light on the subject. What is Halloween? Halloween has its roots in the ancient Celtic tribes of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Brittany. On October 31, the tribes would celebrate the festival of Samhain. […]
Unconditional love
Do you believe that God’s love for you is unconditional? From my childhood, I knew that God is holy. He is holy and will always remain holy. Moreover, I want to spend the rest of my life meditating at the holiness of God and ask revelation about this subject. And we all need to fix […]
Books that impacted my life in 2017
Ever since I was very young, books were important to me. I love reading books! And I know the Bible is the most crucial Book on earth. However, over the years I did learn a lot about God from many godly authors. People like: J. Lee Grady, Jack Hayford, Derek Prince, Neil T. Anderson, Peter Horrobin, […]