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The cross of Yeshua is the only reason to boast. Many people in our days see no reason to boast in the cross of Yeshua—I think that’s sad.
In Galatians 6:14 (TLV) we read
But may I never boast—except in the cross of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. Through Him the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
The Bible and the cross
The whole Bible speaks about the cross of Yeshua—from Genesis to Revelation. In Genesis 3:15 where God tells Satan that ’the seed of the woman’ will crush his head, God actually talks about the cross. If you read this passage without the cross of Yeshua in your mind you miss the central point.
One can see the cross of Yeshua in Genesis 22 where Abraham brings Isaac as a sacrifice. A father who gives his only begotten son as a sacrifice. The whole story speaks about the cross and about the Father who gave His only begotten Son as a sacrifice for anyone who believes in Yeshua.
The whole story in Exodus 12 is about the cross. The lamb the Jewish people had to sacrifice and apply its blood on the doorposts—everything there points us to the sinless Lamb of God and His blood shed for us. And because of Yeshua’s sacrifice the death penalty passed-over us.
The story of the Tabernacle of Moses and all the animal sacrifices talk about the cross of Yeshua. The Psalms and the Prophets have the cross of Yeshua in centre (read Isaiah 53 or the new covenantat in Jeremiah 31). The Gospels, the Epistoles and the whole New Testament/Covenant has the cross in the center. You might know many things about the Bible but if you do not know that the cross is at the foundation of the Scriptures you do not know much!
The cross was God’s plan
It is essential to remember every day what happened to the cross. How Yeshua, the sinless Son of God was betrayed by one His disciples and was handed into the hands of the priests. Moreover, He was judged and condemned to death even though He did nothing wrong. The Romans and the Jewish priests put a crown of thorns on His head and mocked Him, slapped Him, and spit Him in the face. And then He was wipped.
Next, He was put to carry His cross on the Golgotha hill where He was crucified between two thiefs—naked. He was mocked by one of the thiefs on the cross, by the priests and romans. And all of His disciples left Him.
Many people believe that what happened to Yeshua was just bad luck. Others believe the cross was only a coincidence or a tragic event or a mistake. However, the Bible tells us something different in Acts 2:23 (TLV)
this Yeshua, given over by God’s predetermined plan and foreknowledge, nailed to the cross by the hand of lawless men, you killed.
You see, friend, everything that happened on the cross was ’God’s predetermined plan and foreknowledge.’ Yeshua’s sacrifice did not take God by surprise. Indeed, it was God the One who planned everything before the creation of the world. There was no other way!
The cross speaks about God’s love
In John 10:17-18 (TLV) we read
For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life, so that I may take it up again. No one takes it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own. I have the authority to lay it down, and I have the authority to take it up again. This command I received from My Father.”
Yeshua gave His life willingly for His Church at the cross. He bore our sins because He was the only One qualified to bear them. Yeshua’s sacrifice was the only sacrifice the Father could have accepted because it was the only perfect sacrifice!
Yeshua reconciled us with God as we read in 2 Cortinthians 5:18 (TLV)
Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Messiah and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.
That was why Yeshua came—it was no mistake what happened at the cross. Yeshua could have called legions of angels to fight for Him (Matt. 26:53) but He didn’t.
And when I think at Yeshua’s sacrifice I can see the glory of God and His wisdom, and love, and power. I can say now as Paul
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
Boast in the cross of Yeshua
The more I meditate at the cross of Yeshua the more I see clearly the thousands of reasons I have to boast in Him and His sacrifice. Only there we can see the ugliness of sin and how sinful, dark and heavy our sins are that only the bood of Yeshua can wash them away. At the cross we can see the height and wideth of God’s love! Moreover, there we can see how Yeshua broke the curse and defeated Satan.
If you ever hear Satan’s whispers that you cannot be forgiven for what you did or that you cannot be saved—just look at the cross.
Everytime I meditate at Yeshua’s sacrifice I feel motivated and strengthened to live a pure life for God’s glory. And nothing helps me more when I feel weak, tempted, or I am facing hardships than looking at the cross. And knowing that God loves me and the fact He knows my situation. Indeed, every time I look at Yeshua’s sacrifice, by faith, I become again grateful and thankful. I know He paid so much for the redemption of my soul. And for what He paid He will keep—someone well said.
God called you when you were a sinner. Therefore, believe that He will not leave nor forsake you now after you answered to His calling.
We have so many reasons to boast in the cross of Yeshua!
Now what?
How about we spend time thanking God for the cross. Let us spend time meditating at Yeshua’s sacrifice every day and ask the Holy Spirit to give us a deeper revelation of the cross and what happened there.
Too many people live their life without boasting in the cross—they boast with other things for their salvation. They think the cross is something shamefull and ugly when the cross is the most beautiful gift God gave humankind.
Today and every day spend time with the Lord telling Him how grateful you are for the cross of Yeshua—for Yeshua’s sacrifice.
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I am a blogger, writer, pastor, Director of Zion Romania Bible School, husband to Olguta, a father and, most importantly, a child of God. I also completed my studies at the King’s University where I earned a B.A. in Theology with a concentration in Messianic Jewish Studies. I love Israel and I love the ‘Jewishness’ of the Bible.
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