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Prayer is the most powerful weapon of a believer. However, why do average believers use it so rarely? And how do I know that prayer changes things and makes a huge difference?
A testimony
Seventy weeks ago I started a prayer movement in our Congregation. And I did that by the grace of God and because He was the One who placed His burden in my heart. Therefore, seventy weeks ago, together with my wife and a few more friends and brothers from our Congregation we started to meet every morning, from Monday to Friday, to pray.
And it all began after I prayed for the local Church where I am a member and where I serve the Lord, in my small way. Moreover, after a while, I began sensing God’s heart for us, and He did open my eyes to see the need for a daily morning prayer group. Therefore, I spoke with my pastors, and they agreed to let me start this prayer group.
In the beginning, I thought everybody would be just as excited as I was about this prayer group, because in the beginning (after a few weeks) we were quite a big group. However, over the time just a handful of people continued to attend the prayer meetings. I do not judge anyone because I know it is not an easy ministry and the devil fights a lot to stop this kind of groups. Moreover, I firmly believe that Satan hates prayer and prayer groups. Therefore, he will do all that he can and know to put barriers in the lives of those who have a heart and a calling for prayer.
Answered prayers
Nevertheless, the Lord began answering prayers not long after we did start this group! And that was very encouraging. We did start praying for Israel, for Romania, for Timisoara (my city), for the needs of our Congregation and the salvation of our families and the sick. And we began writing a prayer list. Moreover, people from other cities and Congregations did hear about us and asked us to pray for them.
As we begin every morning of prayer at the Congregation, we ask the Holy Spirit to make our prayers aim the target. And we ask God to give us His mind and wisdom to know what to pray for because we want to pray the will of God and His heart. And the Lord, many times, gave us His ideas for what to pray.
For example, one day at the beginning of 2017, the Lord placed in our heart the thought to pray for a direct flight between Timisoara and Tel-Aviv, Israel. And we did pray for this every day, every week, for the next few months. And that was until we heard the news of a significant European company who declared their intention to offer a route from Timisoara to Tel-Aviv in the fall of the same year! Therefore, according to my understanding, all we did was to be obedient to God and pray His will.
Pray in His Name
Jesus said something unusual in John 14:13-14 (NKJV)
And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.
I just want to emphasize two amazing truths from this scripture. First, our responsibility is to ask in prayer. And that is to ask anything that is according to the Word of God and God’s nature. The second thing we can learn is that Jesus will do it. Not me or you, but Jesus. Jesus will do it when we pray to God in His Name!
Therefore, whenever someone is healed, it is not me the one who healed that person, but Jesus. I just pray, in His Name. And whenever I see a miracle of any kind, it is because of Jesus! However, I hope you can see the partnership Jesus is talking about in this scripture. God will make a way when His people pray!
It is not that God cannot do it just by Himself. However, God is choosing to partner with us, in His ministry and for His glory! God chooses to invite us to be His partners in changing this world and in bringing His will into fulfillment. And that is just glorious and humbling.
Therefore, when we pray, we discover that:
1. Prayer changes people.
I know my parents did pray for me, for a long time, to be saved. And the Lord did meet with me, in His conditions and time, and touched my life. Moreover, ever since I had that encounter with God, I was never the same again. You can read more here.
However, after I did realize the power and importance of prayer, I began praying for others too. And guess what? God answered many of my prayers, and I was able to see people changed and relationships transformed. And I am not saying that people were transformed because of me. However, I believe that my prayers did influence those people.
2. Prayer changes nations.
Last week, Jews all over the world did celebrate Purim. And Purim is about God saving the Jewish people from the hands of Haman, their enemy. However, do you remember how God rescued His people? It was through fasting and prayer! When God’s people began seeking the Lord through fasting and prayer, the Lord did intervene and saved them.
Furthermore, I believe it is not the White House who is changing nations. I believe prayer groups have more power than the White House because God is present where two or three people gather in His Name and pray. And God is the one who is changing nations not America or Russia, or any other country or world leader.
3. Prayer is changing us.
It will not come as a surprise when I say that I am not perfect. Not even close. Moreover, I still fight temptations and often I fall. Furthermore, right now God is dealing with me in quite a few areas of my life where He wants to transform me. And it is not always easy to be in the Potter’s hands and to be shaped into His image.
However, when God reveals something to me, I pray. That’s the best thing I know. I go to my prayer closet and talk with Jesus about Onisim. And through my prayers, I invite Jesus to change me and transform me. Moreover, very often I pray as one of my favorite songs says:
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me…
4. Prayer does not change God’s will.
Prayer does not change God’s will, but it brings His will and His Presence into our lives and problems and nations.
It is more important to talk to God about people than to talk to people about God. And that should be the right order in our approach to prayer. Before we share the gospel with someone, let us pray for them.
When we pray, Jesus comes in and takes over the situation. No matter how hard it is. Go and set aside time to pray and invite Jesus to change your world, life, heart, family and help you fulfill your destiny and calling. Jesus said that He will do it!
Do you agree?
And guys, if you have a testimony about prayer and how God did something through your prayers, feel free to share, for His glory.
Let me know if there is anything special going on in your life or if you want prayer! Moreover, share this post with your friends and don’t forget to leave a comment.
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This book by Leanne Payne is one of the best I have ever read about prayer. Make sure you read it!
Love you guys!

I am a blogger, writer, pastor, Director of Zion Romania Bible School, husband to Olguta, a father and, most importantly, a child of God. I also completed my studies at the King’s University where I earned a B.A. in Theology with a concentration in Messianic Jewish Studies. I love Israel and I love the ‘Jewishness’ of the Bible.
So beautiful and encouraging! If we could only understand how important Prayer is…🙏
God bless you and strengthen you Onisim!
Thank you, Helga! All glory to God!
I love your heart for God! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Pastor Joel! You remain in my prayers!