Where does our writing come from? It’s one of the most important questions a writer can ask as writers. One of my earliest memories with my father was seeing him reading his big black Bible. Every morning he was sitting in the same place, with his Bible opened and a cup of coffee. He never […]
A changed life
A changed life is everybody’s dream. People will travel hundred of miles to a different continent and a different country to live a better (changed) life. However, genuine change cannot happen outside of God—and God is everywhere. All one needs to experience a changed life is going to God in humility. We all seek a […]
Leaders read
Leaders read and continually grow in knowledge. I know great leaders to be avid readers. Of course, reading itself will not make one a prominent leader, but reading books will shape one’s leadership. In my post I will share with you several books I’ve read in the past six months that I believe may benefit you […]
The King of the Jews
The King of the Jews—Yeshua—was born from a woman over 2000 years ago. Many theologians point to this event as the greatest miracle in human history—there was nothing like it before or after. But how do we know Yeshua was and is the King of the Jews? This Christmas I meditated afresh at the birth […]
Wisdom for the battle
Wisdom for the battle with pornography. In my post I will share two things any winner knows. It is crucial to have an accountability partner and what I call a ‘battle journal.’ I hope you will find these two things helpful in your own battle for purity. Wisdom for the battle against pornography I remember […]