The penitent thief passage is the one I think of lately. It’s a good passage to meditate on as we celebrate Passover. A good report Nowadays, people all over the world are locked down in their homes because of the COVID-19 pandemia. This situation has good parts and bad parts attached. Let me share with you a good report […]
Messiah is the Rock
Messiah is the Rock or the foundation for a believer’s life. Many people ask themselves if they should build their faith life on a denomination, a creed, a church, a ceremony or a tradition. And many are confused about what or who should they believe. In my post, I build on the previous ones to […]
The cross of Yeshua, Part II
The cross of Yeshua is the only reason to boast. Many people in our days see no reason to boast in the cross of Yeshua—I think that’s sad. In Galatians 6:14 (TLV) we read But may I never boast—except in the cross of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. Through Him the world has been crucified to me, […]
The cross of Yeshua, Part I
The cross of Yeshua: what do you think about it? I know we can spend the rest of our lives meditating at the cross of Yeshua and still not know everything there is to know about it. However, we should never stop looking at the cross. As we look at it we will discover that […]
Covenant Eyes- my testimony
In my post I want to write how I ended up buying Covenant Eyes and what it did for me. My testimony I used to love computer games. However, we did not have a computer in our house until highschool. Therefore, my friends, my neighbors, and I we used to go to a ‘computer café […]
A definition for sin
What is a sin? I am sure you know that believers all over the world today are having extended debates if one can be a Christian and LGBT, at the same time. However, I was surprised to recently meet someone defending the LGBT people’s view. The Bible says one cannot be a born-again Christian and […]
Remember the wife of Lot, part II
Remember the wife of Lot. Luke 17:32. In my previous post, I have tried to answer the question of why we need to remember the wife of Lot. Now, I sense I have to elaborate a little bit more and explain what exactly do we need to remember about her. There are at least three […]
Remember the wife of Lot, Part I
There is a short verse in the New Testament that is telling all of us to remember the wife of Lot. This verse is found in Luke 17:32 (ESV) Remember Lot’s wife. Why should we do that? I believe there are few warnings in the Bible more solemn than this one— to remember the wife […]